Unlock FULL-POWER Organization Increase PRODUCTIVITY & REVENUE

Build the skills that really matter – allowing you to speak with confidence, become an engaging leader.

Increase your sales and provide world class service. 

1000+ Employees

It takes more than a dream to reach a lifetime of success

Our Corporations Partners

Helping more than 1.000 Employees

Silos problem within departements

Are you witnessing a growing disconnect among your various departments, leading to severed communication, diminished team spirit, and inefficiency?

Do you sometimes feel like each department is an island struggling to navigate the corporate synergy?

What if there was a solution – a way to transform these isolated silos into a harmonious, interconnected network that thrives on collaboration and shared goals?

Drawing on our long journey of consulting and coaching numerous businesses, we can face your challenges.

  • Your departments lack synchronization and unified vision.
  • There’s an absence of open communication amongst teams.
  • Your departments struggle with understanding and aligning with each other’s processes.
  • Teams are more focused in their own tasks, overlooking the bigger picture.
  • Your departments shy away from engaging in productive brainstorming sessions and cross-functional dialogues.

Unmotivated & uninspired employee

Are you experiencing a lack of enthusiasm and motivation in your workspace? 

Do you often see your employees clock-watching, counting the minutes until they can leave their desks? 

Do you wish they would find a spark of inspiration that could transform their monotonous routines into a pursuit of passion and innovation?

What if you could change that – to turn a mundane 9-to-5 job into a fulfilling career that your employees eagerly look forward to every day?

Leveraging our expertise in neuroscience, psychology, and coaching, we resonate with your challenges.

  • Your employees are lacking in enthusiasm and drive.
  • Your workforce struggles with maintaining focus and productivity throughout the day.
  • Procrastination and delay in task completion is becoming a workplace norm.
  • Your employees are more interested in clocking out than engaging in their tasks.
  • They show reluctance towards contributing in constructive work discussions.

Our coach using I Am Gifted!™ methods endorsed by world-renowned learning experts Dr. Barbara Oakley, Ph.D. and Dr. Terrence J. Sejnowski, Ph.D.

Dr Barbara Oakley
Lead Instructor of the MOOC Learning How to Learn and Professor of Engineering at Oakland University, and a New York Times best-selling author

Adam Khoo

Founder and Chief Master Trainer of the I Am Gifted! Programme, Asia’s top success coach and best-selling author for numerous titles including “I Am Gifted!, So Are You!”
Dr Terrence J Sejnowksi
Professor and Head of Computational Neurobiology Laboratory


We use L.E.A.P Learning Model & S.A.F.E Teaching Methods to improving academically with IDEA MAPPING & socially with GLOBAL LEADERSHIP

Committed to Deliver the Best Experience

Customize Solutions for Corporation Needs

We can customize training materials to address specific challenges or objectives within your corporation. For instance:

Enhance performance & productivity by learning new skills; Improve mindset & character traits for success; Develop global leadership qualities

We can also incorporate other key lessons that need to be addressed within the corporation, such as Anti-Harassment, Team-Building, Innovation, etc.

Learning 21st Century Teaching Methods

Open up to new teaching strategies, and guide them towards meaningful and engaging learning experience.

Help students identify their strengths, and motivate them to unlock their true potential. 

Let’s inspire them to enjoy the process of learning, transforming them into self-motivated achievers who take ownership of their educational journeys.