International Holiday Camp 

Junior (9 – 12 Y.O) & Senior (13 – 19 Y.O)

Started in 2003, the I Am Gifted!™ Junior & Senior Camp has grown to be Asia’s leading holistic education programme for kids and teens. With headquarters in Singapore, the programme has since transformed lives of more than 800,000 students across countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, India, and the Philippines.

The I Am Gifted!™ School Holiday Camp, conducted during their June and December school holidays, is designed to nurture well-rounded development of your child, preparing them for life in a competitive and fast-changing society.

Dear Parents,

Have you seen your child’s eyes sparkle with joy at something that interests him or her so much, to the extent that the amount of effort and admiration of the amazes you? Secretly, you wished that “something” could be a school subject that your child strongly dislikes or an impossible task that you could never get him or her to complete (even with rewards!)

What if you could change that – to turn something that your child dislikes into something enjoyable and worth his or her time doing?

  • From our 20 years of experience coaching over 1,000,000 students, we know your heart-pains.
  • My child is not disciplined and self-motivated.
  • My child doesn’t know what he wants to do after completing secondary school.
  • ​My child procrastinates ALL the time and NEVER takes anything seriously.
  • ​My child only loves to play with his phone and doesn’t have interest in anything else.
  • ​​My child refuses to speak to me about anything and shrugs me off when I talk to him!

Nurture a Growth Mindset and Goal Setting Habits in your child is determined to unlocking their full potential for success in school and life.

As a parent, it’s important to understand the benefits of planning for your child’s future, especially in the year of 2024. By teaching them how to set goals and plan for their future, you can help them develop important life skills and increase their chances for success.

Join Us in this FREE! 3 – Hours Interactive Workshop to learn how to cultivate a growth mindset in your child, set them up for success at school in life with goal settings habits and find out about the changes in education landscape; how it is impacting your children and how you can support them at home.

Don’t miss this opportunity to empower yourself with knowledge that will positively shape your child’s academic and personal growth! 
See you at our workshop!

Our LIVE Face-to-Face Introductory Interactive Workshop

Please select the workshop date below. Parents are recommended to attend the workshop with your children

What You Will Discover In This Free Session
Secret #1: How To Motivate Your Child To Learn Effectively Without Taking Too Much Time At All

Secret #2: How To Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential With Brain-based Learning So That They Can Harness Their Full Potential At School And In Life

Secret #3: How Is The Education Landscape Changing And How To Transit Smoothly

A. Ricky Suroso
Lead Trainer

Ricky is acclaimed for his innovative style of delivery and use of humour and fun activities to bring about energetic and powerful training sessions. He trains in the I Am Gifted!™ Programmes, as well as a various mix of Leadership, Social Etiquette, Critical Thinking, Design Thinking, Team Bonding and many other training programs.

As our lead trainer, Ricky is responsible for making sure we adhere to our core values while staying fresh and relevant within the industry. Their creative, out-of-the-box thinking makes them a great asset to the team.



The I Am Gifted!™ programme was created by Asia’s No. 1 Success Coach Adam Khoo many years ago to help children and teenagers unleash their greatest potential. The skills taught in the programme was what transformed Adam from an underachieving student to being the top 1% in NUS. 

Over the next decade, I Am Gifted!™ went on to empower the lives of more than 800,000 students across 8 countries and regions. Adam and the I Am Gifted!™ programme has been featured in various print, television and digital media over the years. 


Unlock your child’s greatest potential and give them the focus, confidence and motivation to become leaders of the future.
Achieve A’s With Easier, Faster Learning
Personal Excellence
Stronger, Better Relationships



I Am Gifted!™ is the only youth education programme endorsed by world-renowned learning experts Dr. Barbara Oakley, Ph.D. and Dr. Terrence J. Sejnowski, Ph.D.
Dr Barbara Oakley
Lead Instructor of the MOOC Learning How to Learn and Professor of Engineering at Oakland University, and a New York Times best-selling author

Adam Khoo

Founder and Chief Master Trainer of the I Am Gifted! Programme, Asia’s top success coach and best-selling author for numerous titles including “I Am Gifted!, So Are You!”
Dr Terrence J Sejnowksi
Professor and Head of Computational Neurobiology Laboratory

The I Am Gifted!™ training faculty is made up of a team of dedicated, passionate trainers who have all spent the last decade going to different schools islandwide almost every day, flying to different countries every school holiday, and relentlessly upgrading their skills and knowledge all because their mission is to bring your child the best. 

All trainers in Adam Khoo Learning Technology Group are personally coached by Adam Khoo and have a proven track record of training youth, parents and even teachers. Come to meet them at our introductory workshop to understand more about their unique methodology in making a difference in the lives of youths from different age group and backgrounds. 

A. Ricky Suroso
Lead Trainer

Nouval Ahmad
Senior Trainer

Melvin Chew
Senior Trainer

Andrea Chan
Senior Trainer

Tan Chuan Lay
Senior Trainer

Danny Tong
Senior Trainer

Hear from our I Am Gifted!™ Graduates & Their Parents!

By actively applying the skills learnt at I Am Gifted!™ Programme, our graduates have gone on to overcome challenges and achieve exceptional results in their lives. We are proud to share these success stories from our graduates and their parents.

“Javeed was excellent academically and extrovert, so there was no issue with his academics and social matters. However, he suffered from multi-phobias: He was afraid of the dark, thunder, closed room, lift, ghost and strangers. My wife and I sent him to I Am Gifted in his 5th grade with a hope that he could conquer all the phobias.

Through the I Am Gifted programme, He managed to beat all the phobias one by one, so he finally could sleep alone in his bedroom with the light switched-off even during a rainstorm. He socializes well at school, can communicate with anyone, and has a very high self-confidence. He passed the Gadjah Mada University’s International Undergraduate Program (IUP) test and has officially been registered as a student of the Urban and Regional Planning department, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University.”

Didin Nasirudin

I Am Gifted! Parent of Javeed Homayoon Esphand

“Ameera was one of top students in her class at a national plus private school in Bogor. However, she was very shy, so presenting something in front of her friends in the class felt like a nightmare. My husband and I sent her to join I Am Gifted in her 5th grade with a hope that she would be able to build her self confidence and succeed beyond the academic front.

After joined I Am Gifted programme, she became the show director for the 6th grade graduation event in her school. She also achieved an averaged national exam score of 8.9, so she could be accepted at any favorite school in Bogor. However, she chose to study at a Cambridge-standard junior high school in Bogor and completed senior high school at a Singapore Government’s secondary school. She is now a competent and highly confident worker in the private sector.”

Yussiana Ermawati

I Am Gifted! Parent of Ameera Mufeeda Ramadhanti

“Sebelum saya mengikuti I Am Gifted Camp banyak pelajaran susah sekali untuk dimengerti. Dengan minimnya waktu belajar dan banyak sekali ulangan, saya selalu kesusahan dalam hal pelajaran. Namun setelah saya ikut I Am Gifted Camp, saya jadi bisa mengatur waktu dalam kesibukan sehari-hari dan belajar secara efektif. Di Camp ini juga saya mendapat motivasi yang baik dan percaya diri. Saya sangat merekomendasikan untuk mengikuti camp ini”

Yustisia Krisnawulandari Putri

I Am Gifted! Graduate

“The I Am Gifted camp was outstanding and out of my expectations. I’ve learned several aspects such as; the importance of life itself, nifty studying techniques and to always focus on your targets. I’ve started applying these aspects in my current life by valuing life more often, strengthening my teamwork, improving myself such as my confidence and to always strive to be the top!”

Juvi Jeconia

I Am Gifted! Graduate
“Sebelum mengikuti I Am Gifted camp, Yustisia sangat sulit dalam memahami pelajaran sekolah dan sulit dalam pergaulan dgn teman2nya, setelah mengikuti camp banyak perubahan yg terjadi dia lebih termotivasi, dapat mengatur waktunya secara efektif dan semakin percaya diri, camp ini sangat membantu sekali merubah minsetnya menjadi lebih positif dan strategi belajar yg lebih efisien. Terima kasih telah membantu anak kami sehingga menjadi lebih baik dan lebih siap untuk menghadapi masa yg akan datang”

Prima Damayanti

I Am Gifted! Parent of Yustisia Wulandari Putri